Sprint with me is exactly what the name suggests, we will sprint together. Both plans are based on my previous and current training history. Therefore, we're in it together. Training alone can be daunting and less motivating, so I created my program's this way so we can hold each other accountable for sessions and motivate each other. Growing up, a majority of my training was done alone. It was hard. I had a good support system around me, but at the end of the day I only had myself to be accountable for. With my plans you won't be alone, I will be there literally every step of the way.
But why is sprint training good for you? Apart from the obvious of improving speed over a short period of time, sprint training has several health benefits, and is a time efficient form of exercise. Depending on which plan you choose you will have different reasons for signing up.
Sprinting can be applied to almost every sport. In team sports there is a lot of intermittent, high intensity movements and agility involved. While in other sports it often comes down to a sprint finish, and who has the legs at the end of the race to win. You don't have to be a track or beach sprinter to incorporate sprinting into your training week. So I want to show people just how important it can be for your sport, its the 1% that others aren't doing that could make the difference.
I know a lot of people have busy lives, and might think there is not enough hours in the day to exercise. However, with my programs I am going to prove you wrong. Sprint training is so time efficient, it can take you anywhere between 15 minutes to 1 hour to complete my programs. Additionally, the health benefits linked to sprint training include; metabolism boosting powers, even hours after you have finished the session, release of endorphins leaving you with a sense of achievement, targeting your fast-twitch fibers and improve your mood and mental outlook.
The way I program the sessions will be in 4 week blocks. The first 3 weeks of the training blocks are hard and then the 4th week is tapered back but still training. This form of periodised planning will allow your body to maximise the training benefits by allowing your body to recover during the 4th week, and ready to start the next training block. If I structured the programs to be hard each week, where the goal was to go out and thrash your body each session, your body wouldn't have enough time to recover between sessions. You might see a trend of improving over a period of time, but eventually you'll see a decrease in performance and plateau. This way you will steadily improve, have sufficient recovery and be ready for a peak event, competition, game or just for yourself.